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HomeEducationShocked Parents Hit Out At 'Disgusting' Book Aimed At Four-Year-Olds

Shocked Parents Hit Out At ‘Disgusting’ Book Aimed At Four-Year-Olds

Parents are fuming over a ‘disgusting’ picture book aimed at children as young as four that discusses spraying semen into a woman’s ‘moist’ vagina.

Shocked mothers and fathers have slammed author Dagmar Geisler, 64, after reading segments from her book, My Body Is Growing, which one mother compared to ‘soft porn literature.’

64-year-old Dagmar Geisler is the author of the controversial book

One passage vividly describes a couple kissing each other ‘all over their bodies… even on the bum’, before the man pushes his penis ‘in and out’ of the vagina because it ‘feels great for both of them.’

The book is listed as a ‘Guide for four to eight-year-olds’ to learn about their bodies and sex.

It also discusses various forms of contraception, including birth control pills and the coil.

Hundreds of furious parents have hit out at the author on social media after extracts were shared online this week.

A passage from the book, which is accompanied by a sketching of a woman lying on top of a man, reads: ‘They snuggle together for a long time. They kiss each other all over their bodies. Behind the ears, on the neck, on the chest and stomach, even on the bum and between the legs’.

Many parents find parts of the book very sexually explicit and are calling for a ban

A blurb of the short book on Amazon reads: ‘In My Body is Growing, Dagmar Geisler works to show preschool and early elementary readers that we’re really not all that different, regardless of whether we’re boys or girls.

‘Though we may all seem similar on the outside, we are each our own person on the inside. At this age, our bodies and our minds are changing-we’re growing up!

‘By getting to know the students of Class 4B, young readers will learn how their own minds and bodies work. They’ll learn about friendship, about gender stereotypes, and about the rights they have, even (and especially) as children.

‘Dagmar also addresses sexual abuse and why it’s so important to report it to an adult.

‘Additionally, through stories and antics of the older siblings of Class 4B, readers will be introduced to the topics of puberty, falling in love, having sex, and becoming pregnant.

‘Dagmar Geisler’s My Body is Growing is the perfect introduction to body awareness and sexual education for preschool and early elementary school students.’

An outraged parent from Bristol shared images of the book on Twitter on Monday, writing: ‘This is disgusting, this book is made for 4-8 year old kids, they’re grooming our children and no one is talking about it or even trying to do anything about it.

‘I bet they show this stuff in school. This is how they destroy a whole society.’

The post has now collected thousands of likes with hundreds of retweets and comments from appalled parents.

Parents branded the book ‘soft porn’ online, while others questioned the need for four year olds to be taught about sex.

One said: ‘I’m about to contact my kids’ school and demand an inventory list from their damn library!

‘The book is called ‘My Body Is Growing, a guide for four to eight-year-olds.’

‘Read that again… Four to eight-year-olds!’

Another wrote: ‘Disgusting. If I got that sent home, it would be ‘lost’.

‘I would offer to pay for a more appropriate one. FFS!’

A third commented: ‘Why the hell can’t kids just grow up in their own time instead of having stuff like this forced upon them from such an early age?

‘Although a certain culture encourages this behaviour, innocence is non-existent nowadays.

‘Leave it ’til at least high school age.’

One person added: ‘This is totally inappropriate. I would be homeschooling my kids.’



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