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HomeArts and CultureRape Me No More...I Beg Of Thee

Rape Me No More…I Beg Of Thee

The pain I hold inside

You will never know

The loss I feel within me

They will never understand

That my scars don’t even begin to show

I am at a loss…I am in despair 

I am confused and all I can ask is ‘why me’?

The state of disillusionment is astonishing 

The hollow, the emptiness, the regret

I hope and pray that it isn’t true

I hope against hope and pray for an answer 

Will I ever recover; will I ever regain normalcy?

Wake me up for it is but a dream 

A bad dream! A dream that should go away.

It all started like a joke or child’s play 

I hear the floor creek

Closer and closer toward my bedroom door

I try to stay quiet hiding under the covers

Though I know he will find me.

I hope he doesn’t hear my heartbeat

Or hear me praying God will protect me tonight

But as I do I start to cry because I know

Tonight’s one of those nights

When God just doesn’t hear me

Who will hear me? 

Who will save me?

Who will deliver me?!

I let out one more sob

And the door swings open

The hallway light shines in

But darkness radiates off him

So strong

So masculine 

He has a smile on his face

…one of deceit.

Nothing will stop him

I can’t even defend myself

He gets on top of me holding me down

As I try to turn away

He pulls me back covering my mouth

I am too scared to breathe

I am in anguish, I am in pain.

A few weeks pass by

I hear him moaning my name

While stumbling around the house

Closer and closer he is walking toward me

Fear grips me like never before.

Now he is on my bed

And before he even touches me

I begin to cry as I wonder

Where is God tonight?

Rape Me No More…I beg of thee!

This time I fight back

I yell; I cry, I beg 

But he has ways to shut me up

I do everything I can to loosen his grip

I faint; I give in; I give up

He’s hurting me so bad but will not let me go


He will not let me go

Not until he is finished.

He leaves me lying there

To think of what I have lost

“I’m sorry” is not enough

He doesn’t even realise what it has cost me.

What plunder! What pain!

Another few weeks pass by

The shame keeps getting worse

Too afraid to tell

Though it’s so hard to hide this pain

Day after day.

I must have been bad that night

I hear him coming closer as I’m lying on the floor

Lord I would do anything

If you would keep him from walking through that door.

But he does

Worse still, he comes with his friends

This time around,

To share the spoils of war

I finally realise I am all alone

No one to protect me

No one – who can save me…

So I lie back down to take it

But he throws me on the bed

And makes me relive my worst fears

When I just want to be dead.

They feast on me like coalitions on a prey

Not minding that this is a gang rape

Against my humanity 

Against my sovereignty

Against my dignity

Against my beauty

These predators ravage me like tomorrow does not exist 

I am become like a clanging cymbal

I wish I were dead.

What a shame!

I don’t want to kill myself

I just want to die

God, why have you abandoned me?

Can you not see the tears I cry?

Why the continued rape?

I will hurt myself later

After you have hurt me

This blood that stains the sheets

Tangled up on my bed

Reminds me of the words

The images you have put inside my head.

I can still feel you touching me, grabbing me

Forcing my body closer to yours 

The feeling of your cold fingers all over me

I constantly try to wash away

From my scarred skin.

Since that first night

I live my life in fear

You are the reason I love too easily

Why I cannot love at all.

Because I trusted you

I can no longer trust.

The pain I hold inside

You will never know

They will never understand

That my scars don’t even begin to show…

Why have you been so cruel to me?

What have I done to deserve this?

Is it because of my natural endowment?

Is it a crime to be so beautiful?

Why have my natural resources become a snare to me?

Why is my geographical location a threat to you?

Is it because among the black race, I am the most populous?

Why is it so that which I possess is become a problem to me?

Is it a crime to be so blessed by God?

Was all of this not supposed to announce me to the world in good light

…and on a positive note?

Wars and rumours of war besiege me

Pain, penury, suffering befall me

Darkness, doom, gloom bewail me

I have become a shadow of my glorious self

I need help…Please help me!

For I am fast losing hope by the day.

I am fast losing my purpose 

My desire for living is fast waning

I fear the insurgents

I dread the bandits

The terrorists are a menace

What more can I say about the ritual killers

The armed robbers claim ownership 

All competing in a trajectory of negativity

I have been raped and I am being raped

What more can I say. What more can I do?

The elite push away the masses 

Politicians in iconoclastic fashion condemn the populace

The economy is an apology 

Life expectancy leaves no expectation in its wake

The leaders have failed

Not even worthy to be called rulers 

They’re bereft of ideas!

They lack purpose!

Visionless they are, rather than being visionaries!

Wickedness they display and are a perfect example of man’s inhumanity to man.

With standard of living a lot is left to be desired

Unfulfilled dreams are the order of the day

Bloodletting is a norm rather than the exception

The people are hopeless

They have become IDPs in their own country 

And the rape continues…

Days turn to weeks

Weeks to months 

Months to years 

Decades upon decades 

The rape continues.

My economy is in shambles

Health facilities are a disgrace

Brain drain has drained me dry

The best of me is given out to the world

To fulfill unfilled dreams not attainable at home

While others shine – I fade away

Hunger ravages the land

Education is a mess

Plenty water, surrounded by water but no potable water for me

I have become the poverty capital of the world.

What happened to all my beauty?

And my natural resources?

What about the black gold?

Oloibiri and Ogoni Land in the Niger Delta must be shattered 

Can you explain to me where all my riches and wealth are?

Whatever happened to the best of the brains in the land?

Am I not supposed to be one envied among the committee of Nations?

I need answers for I am in perpetual pain!

But I suppose these are questions that will continue to beg for answers.

Security of lives and property is a mirage never to be fulfilled 

The worst of the land rule the land

A pathetic scenario plays out by the day 

Women and children are dying like fowls

Young men and security agents are lynched by the minute

Religious bodies shy away from the truth

Our fathers of faith turn a blind eye

The traditional institutions have become an Inglourious body.

Electricity and power supply is to be achieved in another world

Food for the common man has become an uncommon phenomenon 

Youths have become drug and substance users, peddlers and drug lords

The beauty of my girls is a public exhibition on the streets of harlotry

The unfortunate trend of Yahoo+ has eaten deep into the fabric of the future generations

Cultism has become the opium of young boys and girls – passed on by the elders

And in all of this, many still play religion and politricks.

Religious bigotry and tribal sentimentalism reign and rule in the midst.

Where then is the future?

The glory days have become history – a thing of the past. Many shout Ichabod!

They say government for the people – of the people – by the people

But I strongly doubt it, for the opposite is the case

I am lost!

I need help!

Who will save me from this quagmire?

Some days I welcome the frost in the mirror

too unbreakable to reflect crystal thoughts

Stones rattling for each word thrown in discarded arrogance

Barely skimming the surface as I casually toss them aside.

Some days I am on the run

A fake criminal with no record, only the sentence has already been given

Judge and jury lining up one by one

Ready to hurtle sugar coated undertones of narrative, silent accusations.

However far away I am sent

Through the raging underbelly of a swirling mist or banished to the darkest corners

I still exist                                                           

I am ready

I will survive 

I am Nigeria!

I have survived!

My voice shall be heard again!

My economy shall be revived!

My beauty shall appear again!

My future shall be established!

My glory shall be restored!

For there is yet hope…

Rape Me No More…I beg of thee!

Synopsis: A Poem About Nigeria, a hitherto great nation which has become a shadow of her true self. A nation with lost glory, abused, continually raped, plundered of her vast resources and wealth; one which has become a laughing stock among the committee of nations. The poem portrays a nation in pains, in tears, begging, pleading for help – she laments her plight; yet, in the midst of all the hue and cry – she hasn’t lost hope. She encourages herself, that despite the ugly situation and ridicule; against all odds, she will rise and shine again.

God bless Nigeria!


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