The Guinness World Records (GWR), has revealed that they have received over 1,500 applications from Nigerians in the past two months.
This is a significant increase in the number of applications from Nigeria, which is typically one of the top countries for GWR submissions.
The surge in applications from Nigeria is likely due to a number of factors, including the recent success of Nigerian chef Hilda Baci, who broke the GWR for the longest cooking marathon.
Baci’s feat has inspired many other Nigerians to attempt their own record-breaking feats, reports The Guardian.
In addition, the GWR has been actively promoting their brand in Nigeria in recent years. They have held a number of events in the country, and they have also partnered with local media outlets to raise awareness of the GWR.
“The GWR is excited about the increased interest from Nigeria, and they are looking forward to reviewing the applications and seeing what amazing feats Nigerians can achieve.
“The Guinness World Records is a prestigious organisation that recognises extraordinary achievements from around the world. If you are thinking about applying for a GWR, there are a few things you need to keep in mind: Your feat must be measurable and verifiable. You must provide evidence to support your claim. You must be able to complete your feat in a safe and ethical manner.”