Sunday, March 9, 2025
HomeRHEMA ROOTS NETWORKDon't Marry Him If He Has One Of These...

Don’t Marry Him If He Has One Of These…

PST. MILDRED KINGSLEY-OKONKWO, Associate Lead Pastor, David’s Christian Centre*

Don’t marry him if he cannot see: Don’t marry a man that cannot see the good or the best in you, a man that cannot see the possiblities in you, a man that cannot see the woman you can become tomorrow, a man that focus more on the present than the future. Don’t marry a man that is blind spirituality, please don’t marry such a man.* Don’t marry him if he is insecure and jealous. Don’t marry a man who feels insecure and jealous about you being successful. I salute women that do this because I don’t know how they do it, because I don’t know how you can marry a man that thinks that your success in life is a bad thing for him. I don’t know how you can marry a man that is uncomfortable with you being successful. How can you marry a man that is not rooting for you? A man that is not your biggest cheerleader? Don’t marry a man that is having issues with you being successful.Nobody should dim his or her light in order to please another person or your partner. Your partner should be excited with you being successful. Ladies, please don’t disregard or disrespect a man that is rooting for you because you think you have made it more than him; please don’t do that.* Don’t marry him if he is a mommy’s boy: The Bible says “for this reason a man”. The Bible did not say a boy, rather it says “a man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife”. Please don’t marry him if he is the kind of person that cannot make decisions on his own unless he consults his mom. A man that cannot stand up for you in his family in a respectful manner, please don’t marry him.* Don’t marry him if he is abusive: Don’t proceed into marriage if the relationship is abusive, whether it is emotional or physical abuse. If a man makes you feel less than you are, please don’t marry him.Don’t marry a hot tempered person, someone that little things can trigger his anger because a man that is hot tempered can turn out to violent and abusive.(Rhema Channel)


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