…Alves is facing a four and a half year prison sentence for sexual assault
Former Barcelona right-back Dani Alves has been released by the Barcelona Court after paying a one million euro bail, which will be covered by Neymar’s father. This development occurs amidst Alves facing a four and a half year prison sentence for a sexual assault case.
Lula hits out at Davi Alves
The decision has garnered widespread attention globally, even drawing criticism from Brazilian President Lula Da Silva, who questioned the Spanish justice system’s rationale for granting bail despite Dani Alves being required to hand over his passports.
“The money that Alves has, the money that someone can lend him, cannot buy the offense that a man does to a woman by committing rape,” Lula said.
“When sex is something that is done between two, it has to be allowed and consented to by two. This, in fact, is a crime.
“Injustices about which we cannot remain silent. We are now seeing that Alves can be released if he pays. I learned in Pernambuco [Lula’s home state], when I was a child, that people used to say ‘here in the Northeast, they don’t arrest the one who has 20 contos de reis [expression to indicate millions of reais, about three million euros]. People see how this maxim continues.”
The case has sparked debate, with the victim’s lawyer, Esther Garcia, raising concerns about whether justice favors the wealthy, suggesting that an ordinary individual wouldn’t have been afforded the same opportunity.