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10 Signs Someone Is Actually Not A Good Person (Even If They Seem Nice On The Surface)

By Lachlan Brown 

We often judge people by their appearances. But sometimes, someone may seem nice on the surface, but underneath, they’re not such a good person.

The difference lies in their actions and intentions. A person who is genuinely good will act with kindness and integrity, even when no one is watching.

But a person who only seems nice might have hidden motives. They might be trying to manipulate you, or they might just be pretending to be good for their own gain.

Here are ten signs that someone might not be as nice as they seem. These insights will help you navigate tricky relationships and avoid being fooled by false appearances.

This article isn’t about judging others – it’s about understanding them better. So let’s dive in.

1) They’re consistently insincere

We all know that actions speak louder than words. But in some cases, words can also be telling.

One of the first signs that someone might not be as nice as they seem is if they’re consistently insincere. This can show up in a number of ways. Maybe they always have the right thing to say, but their actions don’t match their words. Or perhaps their compliments always seem a bit too polished and calculated.

Sincerity is about being genuine and honest. If someone always seems to be putting on a show, it might be a sign that they’re hiding something or trying to manipulate you.

Remember, it’s not about being overly critical or suspicious of others. It’s about noticing patterns and understanding the reality behind people’s facades.

So keep an eye out for insincerity – it could be a red flag that someone isn’t as good as they appear to be.

2) They never take responsibility

We all make mistakes – it’s part of being human. But it’s how we handle those mistakes that truly define us.

I once had a friend who never seemed to take responsibility for anything. If something went wrong, it was always someone else’s fault. The blame was always shifted onto others, whether it was a server at a restaurant, a coworker, or even me.

At first, I thought he was just having a bad day. But as time went on, I realized that this was a pattern. He never owned up to his own mistakes or apologized for his actions.

This lack of accountability showed me that he wasn’t as great of a person as he seemed on the surface. It was a hard lesson to learn, but one that has helped me recognize similar behavior in others.

So if you notice someone consistently avoiding responsibility, it might be a sign that they’re not as good as they seem to be.

3) They hold grudges

Forgiveness is an integral part of being a good person. Yet, some people find it hard to let go of past wrongs and move on.

Holding grudges could be a sign that someone isn’t as good as they seem to be. This behavior can reveal a person’s inability to forgive and their tendency to harbor resentment over time.

Interestingly, studies have shown that holding onto anger and resentment can actually be harmful to our health. It can lead to increased stress, high blood pressure, and a weakened immune system.

So if someone seems unable to let go of the past and is always holding onto grudges, it might be a sign that they’re not as nice as they first appear.

4) They’re always the victim

Life can throw us some curveballs, and everyone has their share of hardships. But if someone always seems to be the victim in every situation, it might be a sign that they’re not as good as they appear.

Playing the victim is a way of manipulating others. It’s an attempt to gain sympathy and control the narrative, without taking any responsibility for their own actions.

If you notice someone always portraying themselves as the victim, it might be time to question their authenticity. Genuine people recognize their role in a situation and don’t constantly try to shift the blame onto others.

Remember, it’s not about being harsh or judgmental. It’s about seeing people for who they truly are, beyond their surface appearances.

5) They frequently gossip

Gossiping might seem harmless, but it’s a behavior that can reveal a lot about a person’s character. Someone who frequently gossips might not be as good as they seem on the surface.

Gossiping involves sharing private or sensational facts about others, often with a negative spin. It’s a way of trying to elevate oneself by bringing others down.

If you notice that someone is always eager to share the latest gossip or seems to take pleasure in others’ misfortunes, it might be a sign that they’re not as nice as they appear.

Remember, good people uplift others. They don’t resort to gossip or take joy in the troubles of others. So be wary of those who engage in this behavior – it could be a sign that they’re not the person they appear to be.

6) They lack empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s a fundamental part of being a good person. But sometimes, someone might seem nice on the surface, yet lack this essential quality.

When someone lacks empathy, they often struggle to see things from another person’s perspective. This can lead to selfish behavior and a lack of consideration for others.

I believe that at the heart of every good person is a deep sense of empathy. It’s what allows us to connect with others on a meaningful level.

So if you encounter someone who seems incapable of empathizing with others, it might be a sign that they’re not as good as they seem. Despite their nice exterior, their lack of empathy could reveal a much less appealing side of their character.

7) They’re never happy for others

Celebrating others’ success is a true sign of a good person. However, not everyone is capable of feeling genuine happiness for others.

I remember when I got my first book published. It was a moment of immense joy and pride for me. But there was one person in my circle who couldn’t seem to share in my happiness. Instead, they made snide comments and tried to downplay my achievement.

This was a clear sign that, despite their seemingly nice persona, they weren’t genuinely happy for me. Their inability to celebrate my success revealed a deeper issue – their own insecurity or jealousy.

So, if you notice someone who consistently fails to be happy for others, it might be a sign that they’re not as good as they seem to be. Genuine people can rejoice in others’ accomplishments without feeling threatened or diminished.

8) They’re overly nice

Sometimes, being too nice can be a red flag. It might sound strange, but bear with me.

People who are genuinely good are indeed kind and considerate. But they also know that honesty and authenticity are equally important. They understand that it’s okay to disagree or express their feelings, even if it might lead to conflict.

On the other hand, people who seem overly nice all the time may be hiding something. They might be using their niceness as a mask to cover up their true feelings or intentions.

So if you come across someone who never seems to have a bad day, never disagrees, and is always unnaturally pleasant, take a moment to question their authenticity. They might not be as good as they seem to be.

9) They’re dismissive of your feelings

We all want to feel heard and validated. But if someone consistently dismisses your feelings, it might be a sign that they’re not as good as they seem.

Being dismissive of someone’s feelings is a sign of disrespect. It shows a lack of empathy and consideration for others.

If you express your feelings or concerns to someone, and they brush it off or make light of it, it can be very hurtful. It shows that they’re not interested in understanding you or respecting your feelings.

So if you encounter someone who consistently dismisses your feelings or makes you feel insignificant, it might be a sign that they’re not as nice as they appear to be. Genuine people care about the feelings of others and try to understand them, even if they don’t always agree.

10) They don’t respect boundaries

Respecting boundaries is fundamental to any healthy relationship. If someone doesn’t respect your personal space or pushes you beyond your comfort zone without your consent, it’s a clear sign they’re not as good as they seem.

When someone fails to respect your boundaries, it shows a lack of regard for your feelings and wellbeing. It can be manipulative and controlling, and it’s definitely not a characteristic of a genuinely good person.

Remember, it’s not about how nice someone appears to be, but how they respect and treat others. Boundaries are crucial, and anyone who doesn’t understand that is showing you a clear sign of their true character.

Final thoughts:

The power of observation

Understanding human behavior is a complex task. We’re all unique individuals with our own quirks and characteristics. But certain behaviors can give us insight into someone’s true nature, even if they seem nice on the surface.

From insincerity to a lack of empathy, these signs are often subtle and easy to overlook. But with keen observation and a bit of wisdom, we can learn to recognize them.

Renowned psychologist Carl Jung once said, “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” These signs not only help us identify potentially harmful individuals in our lives but also serve as a mirror for self-reflection.

Are we demonstrating any of these behaviors ourselves? Are we being as good as we think we are? These questions might lead to profound realizations and personal growth.

As we journey through life, let’s strive not only to see people as they appear but also to understand their true character. After all, it’s the inner qualities that define a genuinely good person.

The Expert Editor 


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